Reporting An Absence
Parents/Guardians must communicate each day a student is absent.
Dial 209.847.0373 and press 1 for Attendance. If it is after hours, please leave a detailed message with our 24-hour answering machine. Parents/Guardians may also email attendance communications (; all communications are logged.
When emailing or calling, please provide the following information:
Student's full name (please spell the last name when calling)
Your name and relationship to the student
Reason for absence (please be specific)
A phone call, email, or written note is required within 48 hours to clear an absence. If no parent or guardian contact is made, the absence is recorded as an unexcused truancy. Our automated calling system will make two attempts daily to contact home when a student has been marked absent in one or more classes. If your student believes the absence notation was made in error, please have the student report to the Attendance Office to
obtain instructions for verification.

Late Arrival To School
Students must check in at the Attendance Office before going to class if they arrive to campus late. A pass will be issued with the noted arrival time. Parents/guardians should call, email, or send a signed, written note with the reason for late arrival.
Off Grounds Pass
To leave campus during the school day, students must bring a note from a parent/guardian to the Attendance Offfice. Students will be issued an off-campus pass, which allows them to leave class early. If a parent/guardian does not send a signed, written noticed, they must Call Attendance (209.847.0373 and press 1) to sign out a student during the school day. Students will not be released without authorized signatures. Parent/guardian IDs are required. If a student leaves campus without a pass, it will be recorded as a truancy.